Address 22601 Santa Susana Pass Rd.Chatsworth, CA 91311
Phone: 818.709.0113Email:
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April 26, 2020 - Michael Yearley
We don't know why this crisis is happening, but what we do know is that God is using this to bring many into His kingdom. Are you allowing the crisis to rule you, or are you standing with the resurrected King?
Topics: Creation, Jesus, Resurrection, Trust
May 31, 2020Andres Carias
May 24, 2020Michael Yearley
May 17, 2020Michael Yearley
May 10, 2020Michael Yearley
May 3, 2020Andres Carias
April 19, 2020Michael Yearley
22601 Santa Susana Pass Rd.Chatsworth, CA 91311
On Campus: Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 9am & 11am Online: Saturday 5:30pm Sunday 9am, 11am & 6pm