22601 Santa Susana Pass Rd.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Phone: 818.709.0113
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March 17, 2024 - Michael Yearley
Earlier in this series, we learned that our ability to hear from God is deeply connected to our relationship with Him. Michael teaches this week that we must be intense and intentional when it comes to pursuing a personal relationship with God. When we regularly spend time with God one-on-one, it becomes a keystone habit—a single habit that sets in motion a series of powerful changes in our lives.
Topics: Choice, Commitment, God's Voice, Rhythm of Relationship, Transformation
22601 Santa Susana Pass Rd.
Chatsworth, CA 91311
Phone: 818.709.0113
On Campus:
Saturday 5:30pm
Sunday 9am & 11am
Saturday 5:30pm
Sunday 9am, 11am & 6pm