
Intentional Parenting is an initiative created by Rocky Peak to provide parents with opportunities for resources and community with other parents to better equip and unleash you to help your kids become passionate Christ-followers. This page will be updated frequently with helpful information and practical tools, so check back often!


August 23/24

CAACONAA (“Come As a Child or Not at All”) is an overnight camp out designed for dads and one of their kids to have a fun-filled adventure as they pursue the Lord together. Taking place on Rocky Peak’s KFN property, CAACONAA gathers many families together to enjoy games, food, and various activities.

CAACONAA starts Friday, August 23 at 5pm and ends Saturday, August 24 by noon. Open to dads with kids 5-11 years old (kinder through 5th grade). Register now at the link below.

Parenting Resources

Homeschooling Resources

Parenting Summit 2024

Now more than ever, as our culture continues to move away from a Christian worldview, kids and teens need Christ-following parents to lead, teach and model how to be deeper rooted in the truth of Jesus. The Intentional Parenting Summit was held in February 2024 and was led by Pastors Michael, Joel and Dre. It provided parents with vision, encouragement, and practical resources to further equip them to disciple their kids well. Watch the full recording here!

Parenting on Purpose Course

Watch for Upcoming Dates

As parents, what does it mean to lead our kids spiritually? What does leading spiritually look like in our family’s day-to-day? Parenting on Purpose is a six-week course designed to help answer these important questions. This course will equip and empower parents to grab hold of God’s vision for parenting and develop regular rhythms in their family life to help their kids become passionate Christ-followers. Reach out to Allison Swales with any questions at aswales@rockypeak.org.

The Intentional Parenting Podcast

The Intentional Parenting Podcast is designed to provide you with practical tools, support, and encouragement for your role as the most important spiritual influence in your kids’ lives. The podcast is available now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!

the view
weekly update