Leadership Resources

One of the top priorities of the Life Group Team is to equip each of you as leaders in such a way that you are freed up to lead well. On this page you will find a list of resources that will help you grow as well as help you develop new leaders.

If you have a question about something you don’t see here, please let us know at lifegroups@rockypeak.org.

Host & Leader Position Focuses


Covenant (In Person)

Covenant (Digital)

Book List

Serve with Rocky Peak

Service Project Ideas

Leadership FAQs

Why do I have new people on my roster?

People are added to your roster during online sign ups and weekend patio sign ups. The number of new people added to your group is based on the number of “openings” that you communicated to us via the group update form.

How do I post attendance for my group?

Each week you will receive an email reminder to post your Life Group attendance. You can also log in at my.rockypeak.org and access your group through your Rock Personal Profile. You can select “Did Not Meet” and enter a note of why you didn’t meet in the notes area. If you did meet, you can select those members who were present and then click save.

How do I make changes to the details of my group?

All changes should be done by emailing lifegroups@rockypeak.org. You can upload a personal profile photo of your self by hovering over the photo icon.

Will everyone in my group have access to Rock Life Groups?

Rock Life Groups access is only for Leaders and Hosts that are in Life Group Leadership. Each member will have a Rock Personal Profile that they can see and which Life Group they are a member of.

What is Rock?

Rock is our church-wide database with a Life Group interface tool that is used during Life Group signups as well as an ongoing administration tool for Leaders and Hosts to manage their group.

the view
weekly update