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If you have been impacted by these fires, please fill out this form to let us know how we can assist you during this crisis.
If you are able to provide financial support, we have set up a dedicated disaster relief fund. You can contribute using the link below.
If you would like to meet specific needs, you can sign up for CarePortal at the link below. Rocky Peak has a team that reviews requests from local families and notifies our CarePortal volunteers as needs arise.
Rocky Peak is partnering with California Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, a recognized organization that trains and certifies individuals and teams to go into disaster areas before the public can access them. We are looking for individuals who are willing to be trained and deployed as a part of a cleanup team (property recovery, ash-out and housing site cleanup), a feeding team, or a chaplain team. We plan to offer the trainings in February, with local deployment starting in March. If you are interested, sign up at the link below to receive more information on training dates.
Please continue to join us in prayer: